Msanii wa Nigeria, Wizkid amekua msanii wa pili kuwachana waandaji BET Awards baada ya msanii wa Ghana, Fuse ODG kufanya the same thing. Inaonekana wasanii wa Afrika wanakerwa na ubaguzi unaofanya na kituo hicho cha TV cha watu weusi wa Marekani.
Wizkid anayetamba na ngoma kadhaa kama Show You My Money, Ojuelegba na Expensive Sh*t, amefunguka kwamba hakwenda kwenye ugawaji wa tuzo hizo kwasababu hizi:
Wizkid anayetamba na ngoma kadhaa kama Show You My Money, Ojuelegba na Expensive Sh*t, amefunguka kwamba hakwenda kwenye ugawaji wa tuzo hizo kwasababu hizi:
Lol So I'm hearing BET is mad cos I didn't come for the pre shows and interviews! Lol.
— Wizkid Ayo Balogun (@wizkidayo) June 29, 2015
I love u all for what u do for black entertainment worldwide.I respect the fact u guys do this every year.i know it's not easy.I understand
— Wizkid Ayo Balogun (@wizkidayo) June 29, 2015
But I won't be attending ur preshows and nominee parties if I'm getting the award at 10am before the main show.
— Wizkid Ayo Balogun (@wizkidayo) June 29, 2015
Same reason I didn't come back stage to pick up the award when I won the first time
— Wizkid Ayo Balogun (@wizkidayo) June 29, 2015
I'm in LA to work and decided to see the show cos I got love for u guys.
— Wizkid Ayo Balogun (@wizkidayo) June 29, 2015
I don't post about nominations or talk about awards cos I don't really care to be honest.
Just a bunch of peeps putting together a show!
— Wizkid Ayo Balogun (@wizkidayo) June 29, 2015